twinzo system allows for collecting localization data from monitoring devices. Some devices (mainly forklifts or tuggers) provide information about pallet presence and this guide describes how to integrate and send these data to twinzo´s twinzo's REST API.
The data about pallet presence are usually connected with a monitored device where the RTLS is running. The whole process of configuring devices for RTLS is available here: RTLS - Real-Time Location System and Devices
There is an example of a JSON payload for a POST request.
Login | Login has to contain tPalletSense-yourDeviceLoginName. As you can see in the example: |
Timestamp | A Unix timestamp in milliseconds that represents the time when the data was collected. |
Quantity | A string that represents the quantity of data collected. For Pallet presence data it has to be: "PalletDetected". |
Value | A string that represents the value of the data collected. For Pallet presence data: true/false. |
Unit | A string that represents the unit of measurement for the data collected. For Pallet presence data: empty. |
DataType | A string that represents the type of data collected. For Pallet presence data: Boolean. |